Vegas is known for its flash. From the bright lights, exuberant crowd and parties, to the general atmosphere of the town – everything is entertainment. Of course, this means that the Golden Knights needed to have a stellar pre-game intro for their very first playoff game.
A story was told with tremendous might, informing the crowd that the battle begins tonight!
With the ‘one-for-all’ mentality, we saw a Golden Knight take on a King at Centre Ice. Before the battle ensued, we saw the other 6 opponents of the Western Conference waving their flags. Vegas is known for their huge fights, but this one was gigantic.
Then, the pre-game festivities transitioned to a man with bright glasses banging on a drum. Cue multiple people wearing that same eye-wear and banging on drums. Finally, a miniature Knights helmet entrance was lowered onto the ice and the Knights hit the ice with full speed.
It was cheesy and remarkable. I watched it live and it pumped me up. With the lights flashing, towels waving and electric crowd, Vegas knocked the pre-game ceremony out o the park.
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