Jets rookie takes a tumble ahead of home debut

It’s a long journey to the NHL. The sheer amount of dedication and discipline required to make the big stage is enough to stop many athletes from even attempting to play professional. But, once you finally step on the ice in your first NHL game, you’ll realize all the work prior was worth it.


Winnipeg Jets’ forward Jack Roslovic has spent time in the AHL, and even played in one professional NHL contest last season, but has never stepped onto the ice in front of a hometown crowd – until last night.

The Jets rookie was clearly eager to get on the ice for his home-debut, but had a little trip-up when he stepped on the rink. Roslovic’s stick got caught in his skates and he took a tumble. Of course, there were cameras rolling and captured the moment perfectly.

Even his buddies had a good laugh at Raslovic’s expense, and in the digital age, you can bet the blooper will live forever.

Raslovic is a first-round draft pick from 2015 and has played on the international stage, but it just goes to show that even the big time can fluster hockey’s future.

We’re sure Raslovic will be extra careful the next time he steps onto the ice.

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