Take a bow, Brenden Dillon and Jonah Gadjovich. The players delivered the fight of the season in the New Jersey Devils’ game against the Florida Panthers on Tuesday, with everyone absolutely loving the action.
Dillon was able to get Gadjovich’s helmet off early in the tilt, and not long after, he also got his opponent’s jersey over his head. Panthers’ Gadjovich didn’t seem to be bothered, though, as he just kept on hammering punches at his opponents.
On social media, many claimed that around 100 punches were thrown in the fight, which seemed to never end.
Brenden Dillon in great fight
The two players are going to have some sore knuckles today, but it was amazing seeing an old-school tilt between two combats, never wanting it to end. The referees did a great job of not interfering with the two fighters as well, and in the end, Gadjovich managed to take down Dillon with an absolute hammer of a punch.
Post-game, everyone was full of praise for both Gadjovich and Dillon. It’s not often nowadays we see fights that last as long as the one on Tuesday did. Gadjovich made it perfectly clear that he had no intentions of ending the fight despite having his jersey over his head, making it quite impossible to see what was happening.
”I saw nothing,” he said, laughing. ”I just buried my head and tried to keep throwing. Sometimes that happens.”
Dillon’s hilarious post-game comment
But the quote of the day came from Gadjovich’s fighting opponent, Brenden Dillon. He was interviewed by the ESPN panel post-game and delivered one of the best lines of the season as a response to John Buccigross claiming that Gadjovich threw 37 punches at him.
”I stopped counting at 20, so …” Dillon said, making everyone on the panel laugh.
Dillon also commented on why they decided to fight with the score 1-1 halfway through the second period.
”We didn’t have a whole lot going there in the first 10. He’s a physical player, he was in front of the net. A little battle there and you know, I couldn’t say no. He asked me, and I just felt for our team to get a little spark going,” he said.
And we’re so glad it happened. If there were an award for the fight of the season, this would be the clear favorite to win. More of this, please!
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